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Get to know us: Anna Semple

11 March 2024

Anna Semple is a freelance singer and composer living in London, she is currently in her second year on our Associate Artist programme. We asked her to tell us a bit more about herself and what she’s looking forward to most at the moment: Tell us about your background in music I read music at… continued

Nigel's Blog

Nigel’s Blog: August 2023

23 August 2023

Another year is racing away, and I am grasping every opportunity for a rest these days between the many engagements our brilliant team manages to organise for us! At the end of May we were finally able to record some of the great motets by J. S. Bach, alongside some wonderfully dramatic and intense works… continued

Nigel's Blog

Nigel’s Blog: March 2023

23 March 2023

It’s been quite a while since I wrote a blog, but in fairness these last 8 months or so have been action-packed. Not all of it quite the kind of action I would have wished for, but life has been anything but dull. As many of you will know, last summer I was diagnosed with… continued


Associate Artist Blog: January 2023 – Jack Granby, Tenor

19 January 2023

Since starting as an Associate Artist with Tenebrae in September, I have been lucky enough to perform with them in Germany, Austria, France, the Netherlands and America, as well as in fantastic venues here in the UK. Our tour to Berlin and Linz was memorable for a few reasons – most notably Nigel’s absence during… continued

USA Tour 2022

US Tour Blog: Doodle in Dallas – Anna Semple

17 November 2022

Still reeling from Jenga-related highs, coaches were boarded for Dallas early on Saturday morning with the hope of arriving just in time for the consumption of an offensive amount of BBQ. Dallas did not disappoint. After what can only be described as an unholy feast for the senses, we began preparations for concert number 5… continued

USA Tour 2022

US Tour Blog: Joe Blogs – Joey Edwards

11 November 2022

A missile welded to the roof of a camper van is not a usual sight to see from the tour-bus window. We overtook it on the freeway just outside Bethlehem, PA. Today, we drove about six hours from Morristown to Harrisonburg for our next concert at James Madison University. Travel days are never glamorous and… continued

USA Tour 2022

US Tour Blog: Princeton – Rachel Haworth

8 November 2022

Day 2 of tour kicked off with an early start in order to make our flight from Orlando to Newark. We were on our way to Princeton and very excited about it! Free Wi-Fi and a choice of complimentary snacks helped the flight pass rather quickly, along with the incredible views of New York City… continued


US Tour Blog: Golf & Gators – Hannah King

7 November 2022

After a long flight to Tampa we drove from the airport to our hotel in Orlando – usually this wouldn’t warrant a mention in the blog, but as we were driving we were treated to views of spectacular fireworks from the happiest place on earth – a nice way to start our time in the… continued


Guest blog: August 2022 – On tour with Beth Partridge, soprano

16 August 2022

Rehearsing On Saturday we assembled in London in 33-degree heat to run through the music for our 20th anniversary summer tour to France and Germany. Over the course of the next eight days we will be visiting the French Alps, Rocamadour in the Dordogne Valley, the Loire, and Rheingau in Germany. We are bringing a… continued


Guest blog: April 2022 – On tour with Rosanna Wicks, soprano

26 April 2022

Day 1: We have arrived in sunny Switzerland, a country this choir loves to visit. With its beautiful mountains and tall trees it makes for one of the nicest views from a tour bus. The people here in Liestal have been exceedingly generous in providing a friendly welcome and bountiful refreshments. Shout out to the… continued


Guest Blog: February 2022 – Lizzy Holsgrove, Concerts Manager

23 February 2022

Joining Tenebrae as Concerts Manager just before Christmas season kicked off was always going to be a challenge, but with a busy planned season and big European tours, it was an exciting prospect. However, like the rest of the country, our planning was slightly blindsided by Omicron. It’s meant my first few months at Tenebrae… continued

Nigel's Blog

Nigel’s Anniversary Blog: January 2022

19 January 2022

I wonder how I might have reacted if, in 2001, someone had told me that Tenebrae would still exist in 20 years’ time. Not only that, but that we would have made nearly 40 recordings (winning a handful of awards along the way), sung in many of the world’s finest venues, and performed and recorded… continued

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