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USA Tour 2019


22 November 2019

We had a rare morning off, and I began it by eating too much granola. As a relative newcomer to touring life, one thing I’m still learning is how to pace myself at hotel breakfasts. With an empty stomach and effectively unlimited food, I overdo it time after time. I realised I’ve developed a lot… continued

USA Tour 2019

Dallas to Provo

20 November 2019

Any day which begins with an 05:00 alarm is met with some trepidation by singers. Couple that with the previous evening’s post-concert reception and there were some groggy heads on the early morning bus to St Louis airport. We flew back to Chicago before catching a flight to Dallas. Upon arrival at the hotel, many… continued

USA Tour 2019

Meet me in St Louis

18 November 2019

We’ve made it to day 8 and concert 6 of our USA tour and we have officially passed the halfway point. St. Louis was the first place on this tour that I was returning to after coming in March 2018 and I had mixed memories of the place. On one hand I remembered the fantastic… continued

USA Tour 2019

The American Way

17 November 2019

Day 5 and, for most, the first and last rest day of the tour. Six plucky Tenebrae members (former and current Associate Artists + Jimmy) would give a workshop at the University of Maryland in the afternoon but more on that later! First came the chance to catch up on sleep – this was the… continued

USA Tour 2019

Malvin McLorinan

15 November 2019

By the time we arrived in Maryland, we’d clocked up eighteen hours of coach travel. This has been a really civilised way to start the tour. It’s nice not to be rushing around airports, and to be able to look out of the window and see a bit of the country as we travel. The… continued

USA Tour 2019

From one Carolina to another

13 November 2019

Day 4 of our tour across the states started earlier for some than others, with a couple of people heading out for an early run across Charleston’s beautiful coast. Luckily for me, the jet lag hasn’t hit too badly, so I engaged in no such worthy productiveness and slept until the rudeness of my alarm… continued

USA Tour 2019

Let’s do the Charleston!

12 November 2019

Welcome to the second blog of this tour, coming to you from the coach somewhere between Charleston SC and Durham NC. It’s currently day 4 of my first tour to the US with Tenebrae and so far so good! Yesterday we were in the beautiful Charleston with gorgeous sunny weather and great food. We arrived… continued

USA Tour 2019

It’s Cauliflower

11 November 2019

Welcome to the first blog of Tenebrae’s current tour of the USA. This tour’s a mammoth one as we undertake 10 concerts in 10 different states in 13 days, and you’ll get to read all about it thanks to these blogs, written by members of the choir, carefully handpicked by management. I like to think… continued


Q+A with Joanna Marsh

14 October 2019

We’re thrilled that the wonderful composer Joanna Marsh is writing a new commission for us, to be premiered at Wigmore Hall on 1 December 2019. The new piece, In Winter’s House, is for male voices only and is written to sit alongside Britten’s Ceremony of Carols in its SSA arrangement. We caught up with her… continued

Nigel's Blog

Nigel’s blog: October 2019

11 October 2019

Since I last wrote the autumn has set in and the leaves are falling. The transition from summer has gone by in something of a blur as Tenebrae enjoyed its busiest September since we began performing nearly 20 years ago. In August we had tremendous fun performing at the BBC Proms, making our debut at… continued

Nigel's Blog

Nigel’s blog: August 2019

1 August 2019

A lively time for us this last June and July before we hit a full August leading into our busiest autumn since the choir started nearly 20 years ago. We had another wonderful trip to Suffolk for the Aldeburgh Festival at the start of June. We’ve been to this part of the world quite a… continued


Guest blog: Beth Partridge – Associate Artist

2 July 2019

This summer sees my final few months as an Associate Artist with Tenebrae, and what an amazing journey it’s been! I’m so grateful to Nigel and his brilliant team for welcoming me on board, particular thanks go to Helen Daniels, Jessy Croghan, Henry Southern, Charlotte Nohavicka, Esther Poole and Alex Davies whose tireless work over… continued

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